Alla inlägg den 2 december 2008

Av Stefan Andersson - 2 december 2008 20:52

Det är inte lätt att hålla reda på alla biljoner, billions och trillions, angående förra inlägget. 1 biljon på amerikanska tror jag motsvarar 1000 miljarder på svenska. Har klippt detta citat från Lars Ostermans kommentar:

"If the US government really wanted to help the economy, the could have eliminated the income tax for everyone for 2008. Actually, at $8.5 trillion, they could have eliminated all income tax for everyone for 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Letting the people keep the fruits of their labor would have quickly increased consumption and demand. When you give a tax cut to the poor and middle class, they spend it. The rich put it in the bank."

Det ger en bild av vilka summor det rör sig om som man häller över bankerna.


"Nothing could better illustrate the desperation of policy-makers than such an arbitrary and aimless dumping of money into the economy. The language of strategic injections has been abandoned. There never was any attempt to direct the money towards those who might need it."
Bernard Lietaer är en av de som har de allra djupaste insikterna om penningsystem, från Mystery Magic Mehlman(pdf) :
"Hur kunde det bli så att något som uppfunnits av människan - pengar - kunde ta över både vårt tänkande och utvecklingen av våra samhällen?
Hur är det möjligt att man kan underlåta att sätta in alla åtgärder för att förhindra en kris eller hotande katastrof (för människan) därför att vi inte "har råd" att ta itu med det?"

Nedanstående från Reflections (pdf):
"Imagine a world safe from pollution, a world in which the long term interests of mankind and our planet temper the short term interests of business and industry; where conscious cooperation coexists symbiotically alongside healthy competition; where the proper raising and teaching of our children and the caring for our elders is valued and compensated for in equal measure to other forms of employment so vital to our society.

Imagine a world in which there is meaningful work for every human being, together with adequate time for our families, communities and personal pursuits; a world that encourages individual growth as it does economic growth; community as it does productivity; conservation as it does consumption.
A world that nurtures our spirits and our souls in equal measure to our material needs; a world that fully honors the diversity of all life and the life-affirming aspects of what it is to be fully human in its many myriad shapes and forms. In essence, imagine a world in balance.

Such a world, far from being fanciful conjecture, will be offered here as a realistic attainment. But it will take money! It is not a matter of how much money but rather the kind of money that is important.
In order to manifest a world in balance, we must bring balance to our money – for it will be shown that it is our monetary system that fuels and exerts the most profound influence upon all other human systems within our world today. Such balanced money systems have actually existed during specific periods in human history. They will be shown to still exist today in some unexpected pockets of our globalizing world, with dramatic and most encouraging effects."

Hur ska någon politiker i framtiden kunna säga att det saknas pengar, när det är tal om något samhällsnyttigt projekt efter att man kastat dessa gränslösa mängder pengar efter bankerna?
I framtiden blir det inte frågan om hur mycket pengar utan om vad för slags pengar!


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